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Hey, I'm Jeremy 

Welcome to 'Around the World & Black,' where I, Jeremy, share my journey navigating the world as a black male traveler. Born and raised in the small town of Erwinville, Louisiana, just 20 miles outside of Baton Rouge, I've harbored a passion and thrill for adventure from a young age. Growing up in a world where travel seemed like a distant dream, I found solace in the pages of books and the tales of explorers who dared to venture beyond their comfort zones. As a child, one of my favorite authors was Mary Pope Osborne, and her series, 'The Magic Tree House,' which took readers on captivating journeys around the world through her magical stories. Being a “poor” kid from South Louisiana, I found a lot of adventure right in my backyard. Before I could travel, I went on some of the wildest adventures with my friends right in the bayou or the dirt roads of my hometown. 

A graduate of Old Dominion University, based out of Norfolk, VA, where I studied Marketing and had some of the best college experiences known to date. My sophomore year of college marked my first semester abroad in Lyon, France, and that's when the travel bug truly bit me. I couldn’t get enough and decided to embark on another semester abroad in my junior year in Bangkok, Thailand. Since then, my passion for travel has only grown. At just 26 years old, I've already explored over 20 countries and many states, breaking stereotypes and showcasing the beauty of exploration along the way.

I plan to give it to you raw and uncut, showing not only the beautiful sides of travel but also the parts where everything isn’t so pretty. Through my adventures, I strive to inspire others to step out of their comfort zones, challenge perceptions, and embrace the richness of our diverse world.

But my journey isn't just about the places I've been it's also about the people who have shaped my path. 'Around the World & Black' is more than just a travel blog, it's a platform for empowerment, representation, and storytelling. Join me as I share my experiences, insights, and reflections on what it means to be a black man navigating the world today.

So, whether you're a seasoned traveler or a curious soul yearning for adventure, I invite you to buckle up and join me on this exhilarating ride. Welcome to 'Around the World & Black,' where every destination is a canvas, and every experience is a masterpiece in the making.

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